Sunflower Case Management professionals are passionate, caring people who ensure that individuals who qualify are receiving quality services that are needed on an ongoing basis.
The current Medicaid system is complicated with rapidly changing regulations. A case manager can help navigate the system and will continue to monitor resulting in fewer issues with coverage.
Services that a Case Manager can help with include:
Advocacy - our voices are your voices
Ensuring that the individual's rights and responsibilities are protected
Assistance with maximizing benefits to ensure the individual receives all they qualify for
Help with finding extra resources for needed equipment
Referrals to local and regional resources for various programs
Development of a Person Centered Plan (PCP) to give the team a road map of where the individual started, how they choose to live and work currently, and where they may want to be in the future
Support at Individual Education Plan (IEP) for children and their families
Communicates and coordinates with other members of the team, including insurance representatives
And much more!
Sunflower Diversified Services, Inc. provides case management from age 3 until the end of life.
Contact us today and speak with one of our caring professionals and we'll help you get started with the process.